Hey dad! I mean, "guys"!
I was watching a video online:
When right smack in the video I saw that ogmike had made a stop in Turkey on his World Tour 2014!
They are singing "Hey Dad" in the streets. They are singing it from the rooftops and writing it on walls as graffiti.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Friday, November 7, 2014
Perverted Bible Preaching racist on bc main
Scott was on bc main watching porno on tv. He moved the camera over so we could see a naked womans breasts and vagina. He did that to make people think he is straight? How many remember his 2005 ad under his email account asking to be tied up in bondage, even all day, by men?
NO ONE faked that! So, this Oprah wannabe celeb cries he's going to write a book with knowledge only he knows while being a racist and making fun of Joe Black and watching sinful movies.
Pervert! Hypocrite!
Friday, October 17, 2014
Gary the loser cries crocodile tears on main.
Poor Gary. So unappreciated! Gary the loser is crying the blues, AGAIN, about davelive getting a tricaster. Why? Nobody likes Garys retarded game shows. The only reason Gary has an apartment is because his parents don't want strangled to death while Gary is on a hooch filled paranoid episode by living with them. That is money well spent.
Gary brings nothing to any site he has been at. Nothing. He is retarded. He is a failed caster whose only claim to fame is some high school wrestling championship for special education retards.
With his tv dinner tin foil wrapped microwave he spews his nonsense on a nightly basis. He does his gay as hell shows that are of zero entertainment value. He calls Erin a shitty caster yet can't seem to go look in a mirror. He probably doesn't own a mirror being it could be a sharp object.
Gary needs to stick to making his hooch out of grape flavored Kool Aid and toilet water. That way he can get through life a little bit easier without having to constantly worrying about davelive.
It is almost comical the way harrybalzac trolls gary and tells him he's an asset to the site. Gary eats those compliments up faster than btf can eat a 90 count bag of pizza rolls. How cruel can the compliments be when a moron takes them to heart?
We all know Gary is due for a major rage again for not being appreciated, paid or owning his own $13,000 tricaster.
Gary, if you are so god damn talented and important then why haven't you been given a show? Why haven't you been flown to the studio? Answer: You are a bum! Yet another failed bum like many who bring nothing, own nothing and yet think you are a superstar. Go put on your batman jammies and sleep on the floor like the dog you are. Your jealousy pours all over yourself and everyone laughs at you.
Gary brings nothing to any site he has been at. Nothing. He is retarded. He is a failed caster whose only claim to fame is some high school wrestling championship for special education retards.
With his tv dinner tin foil wrapped microwave he spews his nonsense on a nightly basis. He does his gay as hell shows that are of zero entertainment value. He calls Erin a shitty caster yet can't seem to go look in a mirror. He probably doesn't own a mirror being it could be a sharp object.
Gary needs to stick to making his hooch out of grape flavored Kool Aid and toilet water. That way he can get through life a little bit easier without having to constantly worrying about davelive.
It is almost comical the way harrybalzac trolls gary and tells him he's an asset to the site. Gary eats those compliments up faster than btf can eat a 90 count bag of pizza rolls. How cruel can the compliments be when a moron takes them to heart?
We all know Gary is due for a major rage again for not being appreciated, paid or owning his own $13,000 tricaster.
Gary, if you are so god damn talented and important then why haven't you been given a show? Why haven't you been flown to the studio? Answer: You are a bum! Yet another failed bum like many who bring nothing, own nothing and yet think you are a superstar. Go put on your batman jammies and sleep on the floor like the dog you are. Your jealousy pours all over yourself and everyone laughs at you.
Friday, October 10, 2014
Zolar trolls Annes dead mom
How low can you go? Zolar shoved himself into this situation for one reason: attention. To make himself feel relevant. There is no lower piece of scum on the internet. He stated he did it to do the 'honorable thing" before anyone else got to her. Then the lowlife piece of shit posted his photo on her legacy funeral page. God damn sleaze bag.
Honorable. Let's see. Was it honorable when :
Zolar poses as a police authority to prank call and get people out of their hotel rooms?
Zolars RACIST prank calls were always disgusting.
Zolar punched in numbers to access someones answering machine and listen to their msgs.
Zolar got a 17 yr old underage girl to strip naked on cam "for you guys", then cried to alki when it was posted to the blogs. (Lily can verify this along with MANY OTHERS who were there)
Zolar asked some underage boy to "move his hand" as he was broadcasting the naked teen from another site on battlecam main.
Zolar said on cam that he would cause alki "bad press" if he did not pay up on the million dollar streaking challenge that he "set up". What fraud.
Zolar set up the "fake crucifixion" when no spike was used and it was only a 9 gauge needle. Again, fraud. The chat crowd turned on him fast and he cursed when people laughed at him for using a needle on that guy instead of a spike or nail. It was fake and a waste of time. Complete Fail.
Zolar calls poor Annes mother when he trolled her and called her every name in the book. He did not speak for people that knew her and actually liked her.
I could throw up when I see how many people are claiming that she was their long lost friend. How many people are so saddened by her death. Anne did indeed have online friends. She was a very nice person. She was always nice to me. I wonder how the trolls and haters feel now that she's gone? Do they have one ounce of remorse?
Anyone thinking of suicide has to work it out themselves. I will always believe that this was a sad tragic accident. Why do they sell ether over the internet so easily? I'm sure she wasn't ready. This is my opinion alone. She loved her mother deeply.
A personal input is that for all those of you that are thinking you could have done something to help- you can't. or couldn't. When you think of suicide you think of it to stop the daily pain that goes on in your life. You hurt yesterday, you hurt today, you will hurt tomorrow. It's something someone has to work out themselves. Rare times someone can intervene and let that person know that despite anything they are going through, they are still valued. They are still loved. Sometimes an intervention works if you only knew how seriously a depression, illness or problem is effecting someone.
Again, with all that goes on, it just about made me puke to see that lowlife scamming loser interject himself into Annes mothers privacy when he did it for mere attention. Spit on him.
Honorable. Let's see. Was it honorable when :
Zolar poses as a police authority to prank call and get people out of their hotel rooms?
Zolars RACIST prank calls were always disgusting.
Zolar punched in numbers to access someones answering machine and listen to their msgs.
Zolar got a 17 yr old underage girl to strip naked on cam "for you guys", then cried to alki when it was posted to the blogs. (Lily can verify this along with MANY OTHERS who were there)
Zolar asked some underage boy to "move his hand" as he was broadcasting the naked teen from another site on battlecam main.
Zolar said on cam that he would cause alki "bad press" if he did not pay up on the million dollar streaking challenge that he "set up". What fraud.
Zolar set up the "fake crucifixion" when no spike was used and it was only a 9 gauge needle. Again, fraud. The chat crowd turned on him fast and he cursed when people laughed at him for using a needle on that guy instead of a spike or nail. It was fake and a waste of time. Complete Fail.
Zolar calls poor Annes mother when he trolled her and called her every name in the book. He did not speak for people that knew her and actually liked her.
I could throw up when I see how many people are claiming that she was their long lost friend. How many people are so saddened by her death. Anne did indeed have online friends. She was a very nice person. She was always nice to me. I wonder how the trolls and haters feel now that she's gone? Do they have one ounce of remorse?
Anyone thinking of suicide has to work it out themselves. I will always believe that this was a sad tragic accident. Why do they sell ether over the internet so easily? I'm sure she wasn't ready. This is my opinion alone. She loved her mother deeply.
A personal input is that for all those of you that are thinking you could have done something to help- you can't. or couldn't. When you think of suicide you think of it to stop the daily pain that goes on in your life. You hurt yesterday, you hurt today, you will hurt tomorrow. It's something someone has to work out themselves. Rare times someone can intervene and let that person know that despite anything they are going through, they are still valued. They are still loved. Sometimes an intervention works if you only knew how seriously a depression, illness or problem is effecting someone.
Again, with all that goes on, it just about made me puke to see that lowlife scamming loser interject himself into Annes mothers privacy when he did it for mere attention. Spit on him.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
RealJustin admits doxing Messi
With the never ending rain of childish temper tantrum terror, justin is in the shoutbox posting a video that he uploaded claiming Messi fucks with 14 yr old girls at Filmon Studio. He even admitted that he doxed him "in the shoutbox" as if that is excusable.
He's there crying now he's banned from bc. I'm sure they are all saying "good riddance"! Justin, an admitted liar, used to laugh how he cheated alki in challenges because "I just wanted the money". What a low life.
Justin claims that April (of filmon stuidos) gave him the archived video of messi and those girls. The girls lied about their age and so did their mother. No sex acts took place. They lied and were immediately escorted out. Leave it to Justin to dispel lies trying to get people to turn on Messi now that justin is banned.
He's there crying now he's banned from bc. I'm sure they are all saying "good riddance"! Justin, an admitted liar, used to laugh how he cheated alki in challenges because "I just wanted the money". What a low life.
Justin claims that April (of filmon stuidos) gave him the archived video of messi and those girls. The girls lied about their age and so did their mother. No sex acts took place. They lied and were immediately escorted out. Leave it to Justin to dispel lies trying to get people to turn on Messi now that justin is banned.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Friday, August 29, 2014
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Two Brits and a handbrake
Below is a video of two guys working on what appears is the back brakes of their car. You can hear one of them read chat. Abamski tells them to "turn off" the handbrake. The guy walks around the cam and then comes back to release the handbrake. You can hear nino LAUGH AND LAUGH which made this video priceless!
enjoy! brits rule.
Here is the 51 minute video of the aftermath if you are still interested. LOL "dangers of battlecam" he says.
enjoy! brits rule.
Here is the 51 minute video of the aftermath if you are still interested. LOL "dangers of battlecam" he says.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Battlecam.com number 5 fail fight
OMG, was anyone watching? Messi asked after the first round who had won. 1 for nn2 and 2 for clavo. I only saw one 1 and the majority said clavo easily took round one.
Second round. Clavo may have went down but he was throwing 8 times more punches than nn2 and again, the CHAT clearly said that Clavo had won. A few typed it was a tie.
Third round, Clavo said no more and they declared nn2 the winner.
That was about as much fun as watching that guy get a needle put in him on the holy cross when they claimed he was going to get nailed to the cross. LOL guage 8 needle is hardly a nail or a spike.
Had sweet baby Jesus been nailed with that number 8 gauge he would have laughed and then struck them all dead with thunderbolts.
Don't waste your time on these shows unless you do it for the comedic value.
Messi, start watching chat and you'll see everyone watching declared the winner for round 2. He was also outweighed by about 100 lbs but Clavo gave it 100% and that's all anyone can ask.
Remember, do not use your real info if you register. It can be used against you or a website made to dox you for the sole purpose of having you harassed or having people ditch you since they are afraid they might be next by association. DO NOT REGISTER. I cannot convey this enough.
Second round. Clavo may have went down but he was throwing 8 times more punches than nn2 and again, the CHAT clearly said that Clavo had won. A few typed it was a tie.
Third round, Clavo said no more and they declared nn2 the winner.
That was about as much fun as watching that guy get a needle put in him on the holy cross when they claimed he was going to get nailed to the cross. LOL guage 8 needle is hardly a nail or a spike.
Had sweet baby Jesus been nailed with that number 8 gauge he would have laughed and then struck them all dead with thunderbolts.
Don't waste your time on these shows unless you do it for the comedic value.
Messi, start watching chat and you'll see everyone watching declared the winner for round 2. He was also outweighed by about 100 lbs but Clavo gave it 100% and that's all anyone can ask.
Remember, do not use your real info if you register. It can be used against you or a website made to dox you for the sole purpose of having you harassed or having people ditch you since they are afraid they might be next by association. DO NOT REGISTER. I cannot convey this enough.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
3 things Kato Laelin hasn't been doing since his glory days...
FAIL STUIDO !! hahahahahaha.
The lulz never fail to make me laugh.
FAIL STUIDO !! hahahahahaha.
The lulz never fail to make me laugh.
Monday, June 9, 2014
yahooooooooooooo. Seems I have a show coming out! It would beat anything that other fail site puts out! Scammers, hackers, pedos, drug addicts using that crap on cam. Fail fail fail.
the curse lives on..................................
Anyone still remember when zolar got some underage girl to show breasts and then called her a whore and she left crying? And THAT is the quality of lowlife scum that are employed there? Too bad the fbi doesn't investigate and arrest his ass.
Do NOT register there and use your real life information. It is not safe. IF you piss off the owner, he will dox you and even make a website with your name, email address and employer. Why? He hopes you get doxed to get harassed , tow trucks, pizza drivers and calls to your employer. Yet not one apology that was going too far.
DO NOT register there. Zolar, louietrey and chaos can put a link in chat and if you click it they'll take over your entire computer withOUT your permission. None of them were perma banned for that. Yet another major federal violation of the law.
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Brandon Ericson "I made a deal with the devil"
Once again, I was fond of his "Skyfall" cover and think he did a fantastic job. Now he comes out with "I made a deal with the Devil".
Too bad none of the rapper wannabe's on social broadcasting aren't anywhere near his talent.
Some can't even operate an EZ-bake oven (you know who I mean)
BTFail and snitch LOSES yet again !!
Click for yet another crushing blow by America!
America has spoken once more! Go home fatass, you have ZERO talent !!
The curse lives on tew!
Sunday, May 18, 2014
The show must go on !
the curse lives on.......................
Jackson hologram debuts at Billboard Awards
MESFIN FEKADU - The Associated Press

The hologram performed "Slave to the Rhythm," a song from Jackson's new posthumous album "Xscape," along with a plethora of background dancers, beaming lights and fire blasts.
It was easily the biggest moment at the awards show at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.
Kendall Jenner could take second place for unintentionally creating a big moment during the show. The reality star fumbled over her words — almost pulling a John Travolta — when introducing newcomers 5 Seconds of Summer.
"And now we welcome ... One ...," the 21-year-old said, seeming to almost say One Direction, as she put her head down. "Guys, I'm the worst reader."
Jenner then introduced a video featuring the Australian pop group, who performed their rising hit "She Looks So Perfect."
Other performers Sunday included Florida Georgia Line and Luke Bryan, who were crowd favorites when they performed "This Is How We Roll." Even Carrie Underwood and her hockey player-husband Mike Fisher sang along.
Ariana Grande, who turns 21 next month, was semi-racy when she sang her hit "Problem" in a mini black and white dress alongside rapper Iggy Azalea. Grande was nominated for best new art, but she lost to breakthrough New Zealander Lorde.
Lorde also won top rock song for the ubiquitous hit, "Royals." The 17-year-old entered the night as the top contender, along with Imagine Dragons, where the Billboard Music Awards marked a homecoming for the band.
The Las Vegas-based rockers won the night's first trophy, top rock album, for their 2012 debut, "Night Visions."
"We've been a band for five years and we played small bars for many of those years, and we wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for people that believed in our band, in our small band that started here in Las Vegas from the very beginning," leader Dan Reynolds told the audience at the MGM Grand Garden Arena.
He then thanked radio, family and management for their support, adding with a yell at the end: "And Billboard!"
Imagine Dragons is also up for the night's biggest honor, top artist. The group will battle Perry, Miley Cyrus, Bruno Mars, and Justin Timberlake, who won top Billboard 200 album and accepted in a video as he's on tour outside of the country. He sang "thank you" along with his band.
Pitbull and Jennifer Lopez kicked off the awards show with a colorful performance of the World Cup anthem, "We Are One (Ole Ola)," where Brazilian singer Claudia Leitte also joined in. Robin Thicke and John Legend, whose song "All of Me" is currently No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, will also perform.
A federal judge ruled Friday that the Billboard Music Awards can use a hologram of the deceased pop icon, rejecting efforts from tech companies seeking to block the digital performance. Jackson died in 2009.
Friday, April 11, 2014
Aereo is bringing their tv technology to Chrome users in May.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Welcome DaveLive to VaughnTV!!
Just what you've been waiting on folks!
and let's not forget:
Let's all welcome Davelive to start fresh on Vaughn where he can leave his troubles (and pants) behind him and cast and have fun! Good Luck Davelive!
and let's not forget:
Let's all welcome Davelive to start fresh on Vaughn where he can leave his troubles (and pants) behind him and cast and have fun! Good Luck Davelive!
Friday, March 21, 2014
Zed: Portrait of a Player
Zed, portrait of a player from the UK. We've got the inside story on his life, loves and secrets to happiness!
In this issue: Find out if anne is a fan or a stalker.
Are the rumors true that he's secretly Illuminati?
Is nino a pal or does he want it to blossom into a bromance? We've got the scoop inside from the man himself.
Could this international multilingual guy soon replace harry_balzac as the new admin and run battlecam?
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Zolar impersonating federal agents on battlecam.com
Update, video to follow tomorrow!
Zolar, the loser who hasn't made it YET out of life yet continues with childish 9th grade prank phone calls was calling up a hotel and asking for room 109. He then impersonated that he was an agent from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and told the guest that his water was contaminated and he needed to go down to the service desk wrapped in a towel and the hotel would pay all costs.
Zolar told the man that he had to go and physically "throw up" or they'd have to summon an ambulance to the hotel. Clearly the guest was upset and trying to comply not knowing why his room was being targeted with poisons or contamination.
Posing as a federal agent and lying to a completely innocent guest at a hotel is a crime. Zolar certainly doesn't work for the EPA and has no right to present himself as their agent or representative.
As soon as I get the video and get it uploaded I am filing a complaint with the EPA and asking them to investigate this and take appropriate actions.
Remember, your information is NOT SAFE at battlecam.com. They will use your personal information against you and pass it out so you can be harassed, cause you to lose your job, cause you to have untold pizza's and towtrucks sent to your house and more.
DO NOT REGISTER YOUR REAL INFORMATION! I cannot urge this strongly enough.
When will they turn on you?
I'll post the video and follow up with the responses I get from the EPA so you can see how this case progresses as they take appropriate actions. That poor guest. That poor man had his stay there interrupted and his rights violated and who is to be held accountable?
Zolar, the loser who hasn't made it YET out of life yet continues with childish 9th grade prank phone calls was calling up a hotel and asking for room 109. He then impersonated that he was an agent from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and told the guest that his water was contaminated and he needed to go down to the service desk wrapped in a towel and the hotel would pay all costs.
Zolar told the man that he had to go and physically "throw up" or they'd have to summon an ambulance to the hotel. Clearly the guest was upset and trying to comply not knowing why his room was being targeted with poisons or contamination.
Posing as a federal agent and lying to a completely innocent guest at a hotel is a crime. Zolar certainly doesn't work for the EPA and has no right to present himself as their agent or representative.
As soon as I get the video and get it uploaded I am filing a complaint with the EPA and asking them to investigate this and take appropriate actions.
Remember, your information is NOT SAFE at battlecam.com. They will use your personal information against you and pass it out so you can be harassed, cause you to lose your job, cause you to have untold pizza's and towtrucks sent to your house and more.
DO NOT REGISTER YOUR REAL INFORMATION! I cannot urge this strongly enough.
When will they turn on you?
I'll post the video and follow up with the responses I get from the EPA so you can see how this case progresses as they take appropriate actions. That poor guest. That poor man had his stay there interrupted and his rights violated and who is to be held accountable?
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