Friday, April 12, 2013

Battlecam doxing

Once again we see that battlecam.coms admin is doxing someone in chat.  It's not enough that your information is not safe there- they have to call you out under another account.

Admins can see your ipset.  Oh lord the almighty ipset.  He obviously wanted to out cassy and did so in chat so that every other person would know "he" was "her".  Is that harry's job?  To announce to the world your information?  What if you wanted to troll?  What if you wanted to create a new online persona? 

Only an idiot would register with any of their real life information. Do not use your real email address. Do not use your real name or address, city or state. IT WILL be used against you anytime someone gets mad at you on and they decide in THEIR opinion to violate the written terms of service and out you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If this person is not breaking any rules Harry should butt out of it. Most on the site have more than one account anyways just like himself, Lily and Alki.

As an admin he should be acting a little more professional.

Harry thinks just because he sees an IP he can read it like a crystal ball telling who everyone is, NOT