Sunday, March 11, 2012

The REAL truth by troll2, part 4. No more "Mr. NIceguy".

I've been sick lately and haven't been able to write much.  By now, most of the people I know, have read MY side of what has been going on and I hope they believe I am truthful.  I have no reason to lie.
This time I am writing about Mr. Niceguy.  No more mr. niceguy.  Sounds like the song.

As most of the OG's know, mr.niceguy came onto battlecam. You either loved him or hated him.  He would do anything for attention, like many others.  In my opinion, mr. niceguy was sold down the river, bigtime.

Here is an article about mr. niceguy vs dadead lawsuit:

Why has filmon or battlecam not intervened to get this settled or help out either side? 

Everyone KNOWS, they want you to do anything to get attention.  Go farther with that joke.
Take that prank FARTHER !!.    Mr. Niceguy even set himself on fire for the good of battlecam :

'The first guy gets tasered for fun.

Listen to alki david telling mr. niceguy "do the mother of all.... "   '$300 let's do it' , alki says.
Listen to mr. niceguy saying "look at this alki !".

Mr. Niceguy found battlecam and found himself another home. He wanted, like many others, to fit in and be part of the battlecam family.  More, more MORE !!   Then he gets dumped by alki, battlecam, and Lily.
Left alone to defend himself against dadead. Dadead has also waived his gun around on more than one webcast while drinking. 

In the courts decision was :
"  The defendants moved to dismiss, but U.S. District Judge Harry Leinenweber found that DiDomenico's behavior was sufficiently outrageous to uphold a claim of emotional distress.
     "Given the extent of DiDomenico's alleged efforts and the serious consequences that could (and did) result, this court concludes that plaintiffs have sufficiently alleged extreme and outrageous conduct," he wrote (parentheses in original).".

Clearly, Judge Leineweber should hold that battlecam and its parent company filmon should be held partially liable for encouraging mr. niceguy to go farther and crazier on any of his stunts for more attention, recognition and prize money.   It's sad that he has been thrown to the curb, in my opinion.

I went to battlecam main page the other day to look up some of dadeads old archives.  Hmm, none.  I typed in mr. niceguys archives. none.  Isn't it funny that they are erased or missing??

At what point to we say "too far"?

A guy smacks his mother in the face for an xbox.

A guy shaves off his eyebrows for a few hundred.

You pay someone to piss on another guys chest.

You pay SPENT to shit on the bathroom floor and write the websites name in it.

You pay IH8U to shit on HIS  girlfriends chest.

You pay for an escort to go to Canada and give a battlecam member sex for the first time and you sent a really fat girl as a joke and he had no idea.   Har har.

You pay diamond diva to call and order a pizza in her bra and panties.  The pizza guy comes in, seeing her dressed like that and she's turning him on.  She then starts to scream RAPE RAPE and the driver says that it never happened and flee's.  Everyone laughs. Others found it disturbing.

You pay Justin to hide his videocamera and try and get some girl in bed.  Everyone is egging this on while Alki phones him on instructions. Finally, someone, troll2, changes his nickname to Jeronimo and threatens to call the FBI if that girl wasn't told she was being videotaped illegally and have this stopped.  It is stopped and the girl hits Justin in the face as she runs out.  THAT STUNT was a violation of California law on videotaping and with sound.  Had it went through, she could have sued battlecam and filmon for a ton of money.

These examples are only a mere fraction of what has went on.  Mr. Niceguy was no more guilty or innocent than the next guy.  Both Mr. Niceguy and Dadead knew what was going on.  Neither of them had to log on to battlecam for more. It was their choice.  A choice mr. niceguy chose to be part of this and earn extra money.

I certainly would not hold the city or hospital negligent of anything. This "prank gone to far" was part of the spirit of battlecam.  Innocent bystanders should not have to pay for actions that are not only condoned but encouraged.  Suddenly "no more mr.niceguy" and everyone acts like they do not know him and try to distance themselves from liability.    Lily is just as guilty encouraging all this.   I'd fire that bitch so fast it made her head spin right off her head.  Let her go fill out her granny filled years in a rest home.

Did anyone watch the little Mr. Herb Derpman video, in which he names lilies last name and calls her out for being a "cunt"?  I laughed my ass off. Everyone hates the bitch.

Even in the above video of mr. niceguy setting himself on fire, you hear him talking to alki, and then to Lily.  It's ok to use someone and then discard them away and wash your hands from it.  Blood is on their hands indeed.

If anyone has any video's they'd like the judge to see, email :

and I'll watch them.  I intend on sending the judge a statement of my own , asking that he allow both attorneys to read the statement and watch the video's.  Then they can conclude if any fault lies beyond just mr niceguys actions.  He did not act alone.

Sometimes everyone is at fault when they don't speak up.  They don't speak up for fear of being outcast and thrown out of this little community.  They go with the flo and don't stir waves so they aren't banned.  I miss a few people but don't miss being perma banned. I am better than that. 

Since public information is public, when I file a lawsuit, I'll post it right back on here, so you can all read it and comment for yourselves.  Then it's your turn to comment.


Anonymous said...

Bitter much?

JustSayin said...

bitter? No, not at all. I am amazed how much people can be used and then thrown away. Well, this is a throw away society. We use what we need right now and then discard it a week later for something new.

I notice you did this anonymously. You could have signed your username. Coward much?

BTW, I woke up and got emails. Others agree with me.