Davelive is doxing scott777 by posting his yahoo ID and reading the questions and answers he has responded too and making fun of him. No wonder scott777 is suicidal with people like Davelivetv allowed to run amok since alki david wants him on battlecam to have viewers.
Alki David and I chatted on his FilmOn.com chat room. It was a flash chat room almost identical to www.trollarmy.com . Alki employed two, sometimes three moderators at about 7 £'s an hour in the UK.
I was his admin for free. We'd toss around idea's on how to get more people into his chat room. One day, Huck, a mod and I came up with the idea for "themes". October would be Halloween month with tv shows and movies, highlighted for people to watch. Mods would dress up in Halloween outfits. November might be western movies and tv month. Mods would wear a cowboy hat and plaid shirt. When presented to alki he said "go for it !". He liked the idea.
As we were chatting away from day to day, I told Alki that I had an idea for MY OWN chat site that I also wanted to use to make a movie. The costs would be absolutely minimal and the people in the chatroom would be the stars of the movie. Let me explain how I came up with this idea.
While as an "admin" on Filmon, anyone that would pop into chat and had a problem with Filmon or the filmon player could come into chat and ask a question. They might not get the player to run very smoothly. I'd walk them through and find out how many other applications they were running that they could shut off. Shutting off all unnecessary programs freed up badwidth and processor speed and allowed them to run the player without any other interference. "WOOHOO !", most of the screamed they were happy the player worked for them and they could go on to watch their favorite shows, news, movies or tv from whichever country they were from.
If the problem could not be resolved, I'd email alki. After awhile , alki told me to email a few of his employee's. Kutovoy, his programmer and Robert Harakaly who worked on his site.
While I worked for free as an admin, often the chat was slow. If everything was running smoothly, the chatroom was empty. While it was empty, I surfed the internet. One place I found hysterically funny was the Yahoo voice chat fight rooms. You could log in and just listen. Wow, the insults went flying. At first I was shocked and about ready to leave but continued listening when a few of the "lines of chat" were amusing. These people would literally scream at each other over their webcams and microphones.
You would hear a black guy yell "you fat bitch, get out of your trailer, lose weight and get a fuckin job".
All of the sudden after hearing that you'd hear a woman reply "Oh my God we have a nigger in the room".
He'd reply "Come on over and I'll give you what your old man won't give you bitch,. Once you go black you will never go back to him".
Then she screamed "once you've had black, who the hell would want them back, I'd slit my throat before I ever allowed some welfare nigger to even touch me".
"I ain't on welfare slut, that's for you and your 11 kids runnin round that trailer court to live off of while we work".
She would then yell " a nigger working?? go tell another funny fuckin joke".
The insults came fast and furious. A dozen people would be jumping in with these two conversations and taking sides and adding their two cents worth. After about a week of listening to this, night after night, I asked them all if I could ask one question : "Why do you all do this night after night and come back here?".
They said "ITS FUN, IT'S A STRESS RELIEVER ITS FOR BRAGGING RIGHTS" Wow, I said , most of this was total sexism and racism, although I admit to laughing at a few lines when they were really low unexpected comebacks. They said it was things you would never say to someone else in real life. They might be doctors, lawyers, maids, unemployed or factory workers. You never know who logged on but they had an incredible amount of fun night after night insulting and putting others down .
I thought ***** Hey !! Why not have a site where people could insult each other on camera. Rather than open up six to 12 video's like on Yahoo, I'd have it like JTV where you got one huge video on screen and let someone cam up and take their best shots. Others would wait their turn. Chatters would be able to vote whether they liked the broadcaster or not and they'd earn prizes for the amount of points they got.
The "lineup" and the "chatters voting" and prizes were MY IDEA and I told alki about it, while Huck and others were present. Alki said "you've got something there".
We would watch that chat and take the absolute best people with the best insults and jabs and splice them together and make a movie.
We could also run other events "SING TO ME" or 'MAKE ME LAUGH". I even told alki that he could do that "here too" meaning his filmon.com/chat.html room. I worked up a picture for him to show him how he could advertise it .
I"ll post it here when I find it.
Suddenly, alki closed his filmon chat room down with no notice to anyone. Then he started battlecam.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
The real truth by troll2
Often we find ourselves paring up with someone we meet on the internet. You go on a video chat program and seem to connect with someone as a friend. Sometimes that seems like the greatest thing in the world. Other times it can be your worst dreaded nightmare.
A lot of people get a web camera and download some software and meet people. They suddenly think after they have been on a few months that they are a "regular" and that everyone new that comes on after them are the newbies. They think that they were one of the first to webcam and all the others come after them.
Video conferencing has been around since the early 1990's. Cuseeme- was a program developed by Cornell University. "Reflector Software" was downloaded and installed on a server. Any person could use a free version of Cuseeme and connect to any "reflector or ref" all around the world and chat with others. There were reflectors in Paris, Norway, dozens and dozens in the USA, Italy and more. Some refs you went to had a splash screen as you entered telling you it was G rated. There were quite a few growing adult reflectors. I never considered sex a spectator sport and seeing anything in b/w video did nothing for me. Later, color was added and the webcams were born and becoming increasingly popular.
At the height of all this, some people maintained reflector lists, telling the name, owner, rating, etc. A lot of people liked to have refs "exclusive" and did not want the locations passed out to just anyone. What snobs. I started a list of refs and passed it out to anyone who asked. That way they'd have more than just one or two in their Cuseeme phonebook. There were hundreds to choose from. I had a mailing list of over 500 people at one time.
I met alki david on a ref. I was a monitor on a reflector called "Fenris". You were not allowed to swear on that site and he got kicked daily, night and day because he was swearing. He went from site to site and got kicked. One day he started his own ref and went from site to site SPAMMING his location so others would come to his site and chat. No one came. Very few if any. I left Fenris, under the nickname refbum and changed my name to refraider. I went to alki's site to see what it was and check it out.
When I first got there alki was sitting at a table with about 3 or 4 computers in front of him. To the side, behind him were two fancy cars. He had his setup in his Beverly Hills garage. I went in and decided to give him a taste of his own medicine and swear on his site. While not "verbatim", the folllowing is a conversation to show an example of how we met.
I entered and said "Wow, it's true, people really are as god damn dumb as they look".
I got one small message on my screen that was blank. I clicked it and it went away.
I said "Hey you dumb fucker, you just going to sit there and look fucking stupid?"
Again, I got one small blanklike message on my screen and clicked it and it went away.
I said "Hey you dumb mother fucker, are you trying to boot me off your ref?"
I got yet another screen and clicked it and it went away.
I said "Hey Doofus. Dumb Fuckers can be taught. Look, you have to type my name out,
refraider 123.55.555.68 "you are denied access to this conference bitch"
You have to type the persons name, their ipset and then a message in quotation marks.
Suddenly I got 33 messages popping up on my screen. They all said I was one banned bitch !
I clicked them and was banned by ipset. I unplugged my modem, then a whopping 33.6 and
went back to his site. I said "HEY YOU DID IT ASSHOLE !!", he banned me.
Alki said "how did you learn to do that?". I said "I read the manual bitch". He said "you are funny".
so, we became friends.
Another really funny story, to me, was when I went to alki's ref and he said that he was trying to get people to come into his room so he could test the server capacity and see how many people it could hold and how the bandwidth held up. He tried going to a few rooms to get people there but no one came. I told him "brb", which as we know is be right back !
I left. About five minutes later I returned and alki said "REF, we had over 100 people here for a few minutes you missed it !!". I said "really?"" He said "yes, they all just came in at once".
I said "haha, that was me ! I changed my nickname from refraider to SallyAnn and went to a few adult refs where they were packed. Sometimes you had to try and try to get in. All those desperate lonely people waiting for a glimpse of a b/w boob. I went from site to site and pasted into chat. "What is this site rated? I want to show my breasts to all of you ::giggle". "
All they people typed "it's rated anything you want it to be rated baby !" "show tits !". I said "I don't know this site, but I was just on Deathref and got a kick out of doing it. I'm going back there to show my breasts since my husband isn't home".
What morons. They all immediately typed in alki's ref and address and went running to his site. I went to about a half a dozen refs, got in, said what I said and got out. By the time I got back to alki's there were a few dozen still waiting for the hopes of SallyAnn and her topless show.
"That was me dumbass, do I have to tell you how to attract traffic to your site?" We both laughed our asses off. He got the traffic in to take some measurements and those rubes came running.
People were so gullible. They still are in 2012 !! Just as gullible as ever. Back then it was a blast night after night. There was none of this constant bannings you see go on today. Only the perverts were kicked. There is nothing worse than having a blast on a ref and some guy pops on cam playing with himself , not knowing who is watching. The world is full of sick people.
Alki asked me "how many friends do you have on here?". I said " i have over 500 people on my mailing list now !". He said "no, how many friends?". I said "I don't socialize with any of these people. He said that if you can hold up your hand and count more than five people in the entire world you trust then you are kidding yourself. I was going back to Fenris to chat and then popping in his site too. He would come to Fenris and tell me to come to his site to chat when he got on. He said "Would you rather sit there and chat with those losers or come chat with me?".
It was then we became friends. We chatted day after day. Sometimes I would log on in the evenings and we would chat until I would hear the birds chirp in the morning. He would stay up and work on different projects and sites he had. He had made a movie "Me and the Gods". He was trying to build a site so that it could screen over the internet. He was doing this long before anyone else even thought of it. Back then, you had to do it all with html. There were no "drop and drag" options then. Everything, including colors were html codes. He'd build a site and then we'd critique it. I'd build a site about stupid stuff about Cuseeme. A traffic light on a web page. Green meant they were good sites to chat on, yellow meant PG and R and red meant X or trashy lowlife sites. I put up columns one day on a site and alki liked them and wanted them for his site. Bam, take them ! That was fun. Always changing it trying to make it the best site he could.
Along the way we met millie, bung and a few others who became regulars and stopped in to chat and pass the time away. It was indeed a blast. It was a pleasure meeting a lot of those people. Hearing where they were from, how they lived, what they did or did not do for a living, etc. The unemployment rate was not as bad as it is today. So many people out of work now, but then it was not uncommon but rare.
Cuseeme lasted for quite a few years. After it shut down we stayed in touch with emails and icq's. Years, later, he started FilmOn.com and told me about it. That story and others will come later. I'll try and type up a story each night to get it online and get my side told.
How in 2012, I wish I could turn back the clock and would have stayed on Fenris and never met alki david.
More tomorrow night !
A lot of people get a web camera and download some software and meet people. They suddenly think after they have been on a few months that they are a "regular" and that everyone new that comes on after them are the newbies. They think that they were one of the first to webcam and all the others come after them.
Video conferencing has been around since the early 1990's. Cuseeme- was a program developed by Cornell University. "Reflector Software" was downloaded and installed on a server. Any person could use a free version of Cuseeme and connect to any "reflector or ref" all around the world and chat with others. There were reflectors in Paris, Norway, dozens and dozens in the USA, Italy and more. Some refs you went to had a splash screen as you entered telling you it was G rated. There were quite a few growing adult reflectors. I never considered sex a spectator sport and seeing anything in b/w video did nothing for me. Later, color was added and the webcams were born and becoming increasingly popular.
At the height of all this, some people maintained reflector lists, telling the name, owner, rating, etc. A lot of people liked to have refs "exclusive" and did not want the locations passed out to just anyone. What snobs. I started a list of refs and passed it out to anyone who asked. That way they'd have more than just one or two in their Cuseeme phonebook. There were hundreds to choose from. I had a mailing list of over 500 people at one time.
I met alki david on a ref. I was a monitor on a reflector called "Fenris". You were not allowed to swear on that site and he got kicked daily, night and day because he was swearing. He went from site to site and got kicked. One day he started his own ref and went from site to site SPAMMING his location so others would come to his site and chat. No one came. Very few if any. I left Fenris, under the nickname refbum and changed my name to refraider. I went to alki's site to see what it was and check it out.
When I first got there alki was sitting at a table with about 3 or 4 computers in front of him. To the side, behind him were two fancy cars. He had his setup in his Beverly Hills garage. I went in and decided to give him a taste of his own medicine and swear on his site. While not "verbatim", the folllowing is a conversation to show an example of how we met.
I entered and said "Wow, it's true, people really are as god damn dumb as they look".
I got one small message on my screen that was blank. I clicked it and it went away.
I said "Hey you dumb fucker, you just going to sit there and look fucking stupid?"
Again, I got one small blanklike message on my screen and clicked it and it went away.
I said "Hey you dumb mother fucker, are you trying to boot me off your ref?"
I got yet another screen and clicked it and it went away.
I said "Hey Doofus. Dumb Fuckers can be taught. Look, you have to type my name out,
refraider 123.55.555.68 "you are denied access to this conference bitch"
You have to type the persons name, their ipset and then a message in quotation marks.
Suddenly I got 33 messages popping up on my screen. They all said I was one banned bitch !
I clicked them and was banned by ipset. I unplugged my modem, then a whopping 33.6 and
went back to his site. I said "HEY YOU DID IT ASSHOLE !!", he banned me.
Alki said "how did you learn to do that?". I said "I read the manual bitch". He said "you are funny".
so, we became friends.
Another really funny story, to me, was when I went to alki's ref and he said that he was trying to get people to come into his room so he could test the server capacity and see how many people it could hold and how the bandwidth held up. He tried going to a few rooms to get people there but no one came. I told him "brb", which as we know is be right back !
I left. About five minutes later I returned and alki said "REF, we had over 100 people here for a few minutes you missed it !!". I said "really?"" He said "yes, they all just came in at once".
I said "haha, that was me ! I changed my nickname from refraider to SallyAnn and went to a few adult refs where they were packed. Sometimes you had to try and try to get in. All those desperate lonely people waiting for a glimpse of a b/w boob. I went from site to site and pasted into chat. "What is this site rated? I want to show my breasts to all of you ::giggle". "
All they people typed "it's rated anything you want it to be rated baby !" "show tits !". I said "I don't know this site, but I was just on Deathref and got a kick out of doing it. I'm going back there to show my breasts since my husband isn't home".
What morons. They all immediately typed in alki's ref and address and went running to his site. I went to about a half a dozen refs, got in, said what I said and got out. By the time I got back to alki's there were a few dozen still waiting for the hopes of SallyAnn and her topless show.
"That was me dumbass, do I have to tell you how to attract traffic to your site?" We both laughed our asses off. He got the traffic in to take some measurements and those rubes came running.
People were so gullible. They still are in 2012 !! Just as gullible as ever. Back then it was a blast night after night. There was none of this constant bannings you see go on today. Only the perverts were kicked. There is nothing worse than having a blast on a ref and some guy pops on cam playing with himself , not knowing who is watching. The world is full of sick people.
Alki asked me "how many friends do you have on here?". I said " i have over 500 people on my mailing list now !". He said "no, how many friends?". I said "I don't socialize with any of these people. He said that if you can hold up your hand and count more than five people in the entire world you trust then you are kidding yourself. I was going back to Fenris to chat and then popping in his site too. He would come to Fenris and tell me to come to his site to chat when he got on. He said "Would you rather sit there and chat with those losers or come chat with me?".
It was then we became friends. We chatted day after day. Sometimes I would log on in the evenings and we would chat until I would hear the birds chirp in the morning. He would stay up and work on different projects and sites he had. He had made a movie "Me and the Gods". He was trying to build a site so that it could screen over the internet. He was doing this long before anyone else even thought of it. Back then, you had to do it all with html. There were no "drop and drag" options then. Everything, including colors were html codes. He'd build a site and then we'd critique it. I'd build a site about stupid stuff about Cuseeme. A traffic light on a web page. Green meant they were good sites to chat on, yellow meant PG and R and red meant X or trashy lowlife sites. I put up columns one day on a site and alki liked them and wanted them for his site. Bam, take them ! That was fun. Always changing it trying to make it the best site he could.
Along the way we met millie, bung and a few others who became regulars and stopped in to chat and pass the time away. It was indeed a blast. It was a pleasure meeting a lot of those people. Hearing where they were from, how they lived, what they did or did not do for a living, etc. The unemployment rate was not as bad as it is today. So many people out of work now, but then it was not uncommon but rare.
Cuseeme lasted for quite a few years. After it shut down we stayed in touch with emails and icq's. Years, later, he started FilmOn.com and told me about it. That story and others will come later. I'll try and type up a story each night to get it online and get my side told.
How in 2012, I wish I could turn back the clock and would have stayed on Fenris and never met alki david.
More tomorrow night !
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Yet another FilmOn Flub !
I got this in an email and deleted it. Things are going so well, he did not even refund the 10% to one investor.
Harry should use spellchecker.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
zolar on battlecam main playing racism
4:40 pm, EST Zolar is on battlecam main playing his racist prank calls. In one he calls someone a porch monkey, a yard ape and more.
Then he laughed. Members of the chat started typing "racist". Again, he came up with the excuse "I didn't know that was going to play" and then laughed.
Racism, wow. Yard ape? That's a slap in the face to every african american !
He's shown underage teen boys from omegle.com and rebroadcast them on battlecam. The owner came on, alki david, and banned him.
He blatantly laughs about getting a 17 yr old girl to strip and then curses her out.
scroll down farther for the link !
Then he laughed. Members of the chat started typing "racist". Again, he came up with the excuse "I didn't know that was going to play" and then laughed.
Racism, wow. Yard ape? That's a slap in the face to every african american !
He's shown underage teen boys from omegle.com and rebroadcast them on battlecam. The owner came on, alki david, and banned him.
He blatantly laughs about getting a 17 yr old girl to strip and then curses her out.
scroll down farther for the link !
Grammar nazi's will love this !!
Look at the grammar of this horrible chat display.
Is the nazi in charge? haha, this is par for his intelligent level !
At www.trollarmy.com we don't make you sign in with a registered
email to join. Joining there is free ! We don't censor your chat and
boot you like some other sites. Your information privacy is your own !
How shameful !! Harry is more than welcome to come over to www.trollarmy.com and take english lessons and lessons on speaking high german. He's a fail admin, a fail mod, a fail german and his faults shine through every single day.
Is the nazi in charge? haha, this is par for his intelligent level !
At www.trollarmy.com we don't make you sign in with a registered
email to join. Joining there is free ! We don't censor your chat and
boot you like some other sites. Your information privacy is your own !
How shameful !! Harry is more than welcome to come over to www.trollarmy.com and take english lessons and lessons on speaking high german. He's a fail admin, a fail mod, a fail german and his faults shine through every single day.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Who is the new guy?
It looks like a new guy has arrived this past week. Is this harry's new lover? or a guido wannabe? Could this be Bovemans cousin? Bugsy's brother? Did this vampire like character just see Vikki naked and he's trying not to vomit on cam?
In case you don't see the family resemblance yet, below is a picture of his famous father :
![]() | |||
Skype: BattlecamPeeWee69 |
As you can see, this skype call had a hag, a sword swallower and fat lady from his Pee Wee circus. PeeWee hopes to move to a videochat site where his comeback can go viral. I
Saturday, February 4, 2012
the Caped Kreeemsader strikes again !
Well well well well.
The Caped Kreeemsader made an appearance on battlecam. After getting BANNED AGAIN BY LILY he absolutely said that this was the line drawn in the sand and he was not going back. He wanted everyone to support him and stay away. He then announced his own failed site. Fail in that it doesn't even work. It refreshed every two minutes, which drove people bonkers and then he's not even on it.
During his absence he claims to be the proud new owner of what Harry Balzac calls "a WWII museum" like quality. His checkered tiled floor graces then entire basement where he will live out his cam infamy like the rest of the basement dwellers. Ghostdog and his non existant wife, Davelive and his garage fapworkout sessions and all the other gangs.
This reporter capped a picture of his plush new dwellings before the likes of Harpers, Esquire and home magazines got in on the scoop. Notice the hollowed out door for $19 at Lowes.
Now that this Keeeemsader has his capedcave to dwell in, this artsy gent had to stop by and purchase an orginal MooglyWoogly painting to adore the massive office space.
STICK TO YOUR GUNS KEEMSTAR !! That's what we like about you. No more $20 mod shit for you. That new chat site of yours has you rolling in the dough. Pretty soon, you'll overtake battlecam and Lily will be applying to work at your site ! Be kind, be generous and employ her.
The Caped Kreeemsader made an appearance on battlecam. After getting BANNED AGAIN BY LILY he absolutely said that this was the line drawn in the sand and he was not going back. He wanted everyone to support him and stay away. He then announced his own failed site. Fail in that it doesn't even work. It refreshed every two minutes, which drove people bonkers and then he's not even on it.
During his absence he claims to be the proud new owner of what Harry Balzac calls "a WWII museum" like quality. His checkered tiled floor graces then entire basement where he will live out his cam infamy like the rest of the basement dwellers. Ghostdog and his non existant wife, Davelive and his garage fapworkout sessions and all the other gangs.
This reporter capped a picture of his plush new dwellings before the likes of Harpers, Esquire and home magazines got in on the scoop. Notice the hollowed out door for $19 at Lowes.
Now that this Keeeemsader has his capedcave to dwell in, this artsy gent had to stop by and purchase an orginal MooglyWoogly painting to adore the massive office space.
STICK TO YOUR GUNS KEEMSTAR !! That's what we like about you. No more $20 mod shit for you. That new chat site of yours has you rolling in the dough. Pretty soon, you'll overtake battlecam and Lily will be applying to work at your site ! Be kind, be generous and employ her.
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